Department of Environmental Engineering Technology – Undergraduate programs
1. Overview of Department of Environmental Engineering Technology
1.1. Introduction
The Department of Environmental Engineering Technology (DEEET) was established by Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) very soon from the foundation day of TDTU. In fact, this program is the first academic program of TDTU in Southern of Vietnam.
Students pursuing the degree of this educational program are provided knowledge to accommodate the needs of a diverse range of disciplines which are associated to fundamental topics, such as air quality, water quality, air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, composition and physico-chemical properties of water and wastewater, water resources protection, fluid dynamics, hydraulic structures, water supply treatment plant, domestic and industrial wastewater treatment systems, design and management of water supply and drainage networks inside and outside buildings, and operation, maintenance, and automation of water supply and drainage system. Graduates are able to successfully work on environmental assignments such as pollution monitoring, environmental management, site assessment and remediation, waste management, resource management, and sustainability management. Especially, they are trained to be on the front lines of environmental protection.
To help students access teaching programs undertaken in advanced countries around the world, the DEEET program structure was comprehensively modified during the period of 2015 – 2016. The revised discipline program structure was approximately 70% compatible to environmental engineering program undertaken by University of Florida, U.S.A. which is one of the top 100 leading universities in the world (according to QS World University Ranking).
1.2. Career opportunities
Engineers graduating from DEEET can satisfies demand of human resource in companies and enterprises. According to annual statistics, it is found that annually over 90% of graduated students work in the field of Water Supply and Sewerage – Water Environment; 45% of students get jobs in the last year of the education; over 55 enterprises contact for personnel recruitment; over 80% of enterprises are satisfied with quality of the program. Generally, graduates can work in:
- Water supply, sewerage, and urban environment companies.
- Consulting, design and construction companies.
- Trading-Services & Manufacturing materials and equipment business water supply and sewerage companies.
- M & E companies.
- Training institutions in water supply and sewerage.
- Centers for rural water supply and sanitation.
- Research Institute of Water Supply & Sewerage – Water Environment.
- Department of natural resources and environment in provinces and cities; Division of environmental resources in districts.
- Expert of domestic and international water supply & sewerage, and environment projects.
- 2. Expected Learning Outcomes
Students of the Environmental Engineering program (specialized in Water Supply and Drainage – Water Environment) are expected to succeed in the following aspects within 3 – 5 years after graduation:
- Name of program: Environmental Engineering Technology
- Training Level: Undergraduate
- Program code: 7510406
- Training degree: Engineer (5 years); Bachelor (4 years)
- Mode of study: Full time
Program Objectives (PEOs):
- Graduates have a solid theoretical and practical background in the occupational safety and health field; skills of independent working and creative thinking to work successfully in the national and international labour markets.
- Graduates display the capability of proposing research ideas and conducting research; and systems thinking ability in the field of occupational health and safety.
- Graduates will pursue higher level degrees for a career in occupational safety and health, be engaged in lifelong learning, and demonstrate a high level of professionalism, ethical and social responsibility in the process of international development and integration.
Programme learning Outcomes (PLOs):
Classification based on types of knowledge
Description of PLOs
General knowledge
PLO1a: Apply general knowledge of foreign languages and informatics according to international standards; satisfy the requirements of skills and knowledge of political theory, natural and social science.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO1a in the curriculum.
Obtain the National Defense Education Certificate.
Obtain IELTS 5.5 certificates and MOS 750.
PLO1b: Apply general knowledge of foreign languages and informatics according to international standards; satisfy effectively the requirements of skills and knowledge of political theory, natural and social science.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO1b in the curriculum.
Obtain the National Defense Education Certificate
Obtain IELTS 5.5 certificates and MOS 750.
General Skill
PLO2a: Demonstrate teamwork and independent working skills, systems thinking, and effective communication and presentation skills.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO2a in the curriculum.
Participate and satisfy the requirements of the Sustainable Development skills courses according to the curriculum.
PLO2b: Demonstrate teamwork and independent working skills, systems thinking, creative thinking, and effective communication and presentation skills.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO2b in the curriculum.
Participate and satisfy the requirements of the Sustainable Development Skills courses according to the curriculum.
Social attitudes and consciousness
PLO3: Demonstrate professional ethics, social responsibility, awareness of environmental protection, actively participate in activities for the community.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO3 in the curriculum.
Satisfy the requirements of extra-activities score according to the student regulations.
Specialized knowledge
PLO4: Analyse and apply Vietnamese laws and legal documents, knowledge of economics and management related to the environment issues for consulting, design, construction of water supply and drainage infrastructure and environmental protection system.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO4 in the curriculum.
PLO5a: Identify appropriate technical solutions in water supply and drainage infrastructure works, pollution prevention and waste treatment system based on technical principles and environmental status at specific area/ enterprise.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO5a in the curriculum.
PLO5b: Identify appropriate technical solutions in water supply and drainage infrastructure works, pollution prevention and waste treatment system based on technical principles and environmental status at specific area/ enterprise.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO5b in the curriculum.
PLO6: Apply basic and specialized knowledge to design, install, and operate & do maintenance of waste treatment systems and water supply & drainage network for a specific area or project.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO6 in the curriculum.
Specialized skills
PLO7: Consult specific activities for environmental protection, water resource protection, and building or investing/expanding infrastructure for localities and businesses.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO7 in the curriculum.
Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam.
PLO8a: Propose plan for environmental pollution control, operation and management plan of water supply and drainage system at specific area.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO8a in the curriculum.
Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam.
PLO8b: Create program of environmental pollution control, operation and management plan of water supply and drainage system at specific area.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO8b in the curriculum.
Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam.
PLO9: Propose appropriate solutions/techniques in environmental protection activities and water supply and drainage infrastructure works toward sustainable development.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO9 in the curriculum.
Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam.
PLO10: Apply and develop new research directions on environmental pollution treatment technology, advanced infrastructure techniques, and renewable energy resources.
Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO10 in the curriculum.
Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam.
Participate in academic seminars and periodic applied research workshop.
Participate and satisfy the scientific research projects for student at university level.
- 3. Educational program
The program objectives are to train students to be good in both theory and practice, independent in working, be able to integrate and develop in the labor market which requires high qualifications in Vietnam and over the World. By the academic year of 2014 – 2015, due to the need of innovation to gain access to the program of the world's leading universities, the Environmental Engineering Technology program has consulted 20 programmes of Top 100 university of the world according to QS Ranking and THE. Besides, the program is also adjusted to fit the current conditions in Vietnam and the training objectives of TDTU.
At the end of each semester, according to the procedures of compiling and editing the course specification of TDTU, all course specification of DEEET program will be considered to improve. This process is normally conducted every 2 years. However, in the special cases, when the stakeholders (e.g. students, lecturers, imployers, and alumni) raise any request, for instance, the Head of DEEET will submit a proposal to the Dean who then show further suggestion to the University Board for asking the approval. The course specification is then allowed to be reviewed and adjusted. Finally, the outline will be approved by the university board and put into operation to replace the expried one. The training program of Top 100 universities has been applied from the academic year 2015 – 2016 to train human resources who meet the labor market and global integration trend, and help learners more active and self-study.
Education Program of DEEET: See attached file