Accreditation of study programme by AUN-QA
Faculty of Environment and Labour Safety has been promoting the construction of a quality assurance system as a tool to maintain, improve and improve the quality of teaching and research as well as getting international and local quality standards.
AUN-QA Plan for Departments of the Faculty of Environment and Labour Safety
Programmes |
Code |
Level |
Organization Assessed |
Year Assessed |
Notes |
Environmental Science |
7440201 |
Undergraduate |
2019 |
Certified by AUN-QA |
Occupational Safety and Health |
7850201 |
Undergraduate |
2021 |
Certified by AUN-QA |
Environmental Engineering Technology |
7510406 |
Undergraduate |
2022 |
Certified by AUN-QA |
Environmental Engineering |
8520320 |
Master |
2023 |
Occupational Safety and Health |
8900103 |
Master |
2025 |
In June 2019, TDTU had 4 study programmes which were successfully assessed and certified by AUN-QA including the Bachelor of Environment Science. The criteria of AUN-QA focuses on the content that any undergraduate program needs as well as expected learning outcome; curriculum; lecturers and students, learning and research, support staffs, facilities, quality assurance,... Learners have great benefits from this assessment for learning in a the environment is continually improved and quality guaranteed. In addition, participating in the assessment of the AUN-QA training program also allows learners to transfer learning credits between the training programs of AUN member universities; create advantages for the programs of exchange students or lecturers between the universities. And most of all, employers have a reliable basis for finding high quality human resources from a training program with internationalized quality references.
AUN-QA is a quality assurance unit of ASEAN University Network. Students enrolling in programs assessed and recognized by AUN-QA will be easy to join student exchange or have their credits exchanged with other universities in the region. Moreover, graduates from these programs will be advantageous for employment in the regional and international markets.
Fig 1_AUN Certificate of Department of Environmental Science
In academic year 2019 – 2020, The Department of Occupational Safety and Health had completed self-assessment report according to AUN-QA standards and will be verified in September 2021. The Department of Occupational Safety and Health managed by the Faculty of Environment and Labour Safety was first launched and taught in 1998. The students of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health are well-equipped with specialized knowledge about mechanical safety; electrical safety; chemical safety; fire prevention; occupational health; occupational physiology; ergonomics; national and international standards on occupational safety and health; occupational health and safety management system… Graduates are capable of working on health, safety and environmental department; the assessment of labour risks; monitoring and improving working conditions for employees; establishing, implementing and improving occupational safety and health management systems based on national and international standards. The Department of Occupational Safety and Health had completed the assessment and received the certification in November, 2021.
Fig 2_AUN Certificate of Department of Occupational Safety and Health
In March 2023, the AUN-QA organization recognized four study programs including Environmental Engineering Technology under the Faculty of Environment and Labour Safety that meet the quality standards of the Southeast Asian University Quality Assurance Organization (AUN-QA). According to the results, the recognition period is five years, from January 22, 2023, to January 21, 2028. With the addition of these four recognized training programs, the university now has a total of 15 recognized training programs by AUN-QA.
The 311th on-site assessment of the AUN-QA took place in December 2022 at TDTU. AUN-QA assessors reported that the evaluation results of the four programs were highly appreciated, including TDTU's modern facilities, reputation with employers, education programms developed in an international-oriented direction, and the communication skills of TDTU's students and alumni in English. Specifically, the training program ensures the principle of "learner-centered", regularly updates changes and requirements from stakeholders, and has good quality academic staff and a dynamic support team ready to support students timely and effectively. TDTU students are also well-equipped with soft skills, international standard computer skills, and good English communication skills. The teaching conditions are always ensured and well-maintained, and diverse extracurricular activities, internships, and apprenticeships at businesses help students be confident and adaptive to the environment and culture of the business immediately after graduation. Additionally, 90%-100% of TDTU graduates have a job right away and meet the requirements of enterprises. However, the AUN-QA assessors also provided suggestions for TDTU to improve its training programs, update them according to the needs of society, and contribute to the development of TDTU towards a research university with global excellence.
The AUN-QA standards set specific, clear criteria and comprehensively evaluate the training program from many aspects, such as expected learning outcomes, training program, teaching staff, facilities, and program learning outcomes, among others. The fact that four bachelor training programs are evaluated and recognized by the AUN-QA organization is an important step for TDTU in the process of internationalization and development towards a world-class university.

Fig 3_AUN Certificate of Department of Environmental Engineering Technology