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1. Overview of Department of Occupational Safety and Health

1.1. Introduction

In Vietnam, Labor safety is the field of study founded by Ton Duc Thang University. The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DEOSH) provides well-qualified human resources that have specialized knowledge about Mechanical Safety; Electrical Safety; Chemical Safety; Fire Prevention, Occupational Health, Occupational Physiology; Ergonomics; National and International Standards on Occupational Safety and Health; Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS);… . Graduates are capable of working on Occupational Safety and Health Department; Assessment of Labor Risks; monitoring and improving working conditions for employees; establishing, implementing and improving occupational safety and health management systems based on national and international standards.

The Training Program is based on the curriculum framework of the University of Queensland, Australia being in the world’s top 100 universities.

1.2. Career opportunities

According to current statistics, 100% graduates work in a field related to their majors; 50% of students get a job when they are in the last year of college or ordered by enterprises. Yearly, more than 55 businesses contacted to recruit personnel. Moreover, more than 80% of businesses feel satisfied with training quality and graduate’s specialist knowledge. The Occupational Safety and Health Engineer can work in all production enterprises, multinational corporations, construction projects and state management agencies in terms of occupational safety and health.

Have an opportunity to get a good salary and for career advancement in foreign-invested companies and multinational corporations. Construction projects.

Graduated students from Occupational Safety and Health Engineer, Ton Duc Thang University are always the priority of state agencies and companies such as Holcim LTD, Intel Corporation, Kimberly Clark Group, Hoa Sen Group, PetroVietnam Technical Services Corporation (PTSC), Hoa Binh Corporation, Coteccons, Unicons, Kinden Vietnam, FrieslandCampina Vietnam, Vinamilk company, etc.

  • Consulting firm on international standards on quality management.
  • Research institutes of Occupational Safety and Health.
  • State management agencies over Occupational Safety and Health.
2. Expected learning outcomes

Students of the Occupational Safety and Health program are expected to succeed in the following aspects within 3 – 5 years after graduation:

  • Name of programme: Occupational Safety and Health 
  • Level: Undergraduate
  • Programme code: 7850201
  • Training degree: Engineer (5 years); Bachelor (4 years) 
  • Mode of study: Full time


Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

  • Graduates have a solid theoretical and practical background in the occupational safety and health field; skills of independent working and creative thinking to work successfully in the national and international labour markets.
  • Graduates display the capability of proposing research ideas and conducting research; and systems thinking ability in the field of occupational health and safety.
  • Graduates will pursue higher level degrees for a career in occupational safety and health, be engaged in lifelong learning, and demonstrate a high level of professionalism, ethical and social responsibility in the process of international development and integration.


Programme learning Outcomes- PLOs:



Classification based on types of knowledge

Description of PLOs







General knowledge

PLO1a: Apply general knowledge of foreign languages and informatics according to international standards; satisfy the requirements of skills and knowledge of political theory, natural and social science.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO1a in the curriculum.

Obtain the National Defense Education Certificate

Obtain IELTS 5.5 certificates and MOS 750.



PLO1b: Apply general knowledge of foreign languages and informatics according to international standards; satisfy effectively the requirements of skills and knowledge of political theory, natural and social science.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO1b in the curriculum.

Obtain the National Defense Education Certificate

Obtain IELTS 5.5 certificates and MOS 750.




General Skill

PLO2a: Demonstrate teamwork and independent working skills, systems thinking, and effective communication and presentation skills.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO2a in the curriculum.

Participate and satisfy the requirements of the Sustainable Development skills courses according to the curriculum.



PLO2b: Demonstrate teamwork and independent working skills, systems thinking, creative thinking, and effective communication and presentation skills.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO2b in the curriculum.

Participate and satisfy the requirements of the Sustainable Development Skills courses according to the curriculum.




Social attitudes and consciousness

PLO3: Demonstrate professional ethics, social responsibility, awareness of environmental protection, actively participate in activities for the community.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO3 in the curriculum.

Satisfy the requirements of extra-activities score according to the student regulations.




Specialized knowledge

PLO4: Analyzed and Apply of laws and legal documents, and knowledge of human biology principles, health behaviours to advise, manage and organize for occupational health and safety work at enterprises; consult the organization of occupational safety and health management.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO4 in the curriculum.





PLO5: Select the optimal solutions in technical handling of the working environment based on the basic principles, application principles and current situation of the enterprise.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO5 in the curriculum.





Specialized skills

PLO6a: Apply knowledge of pollution reduction and prevention in the working environment, sustainable production practices, and solutions to assess the current status of occupational safety and health at the enterprise.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO6a in the curriculum.




PLO6a: Apply knowledge of pollution reduction and prevention in the working environment, sustainable production practices, and propose advanced solutions to assess the current status of occupational safety and health at the enterprise.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO6b in the curriculum.





PLO7a: Consult and propose services on occupational safety and health for businesses, as well as solutions for hazard control and risk management.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO7a in the curriculum.

Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam.



PLO7b: Consult, propose, and carry out the       services on occupational safety and health for enterprise, as well as advanced solutions for hazard control and risk management.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO7b in the curriculum.

Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam




PLO8: Develop training programs on occupational safety and health for all target groups in accordance with the Law of occupational safety and health.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO8 in the curriculum.

Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam




PLO9a: Evaluate the environmental and safety system at enterprises, including environmental treatment system, safety systems in operations on chemicals, fire and explosion, pressure equipment, safety system for working at height areas, working in confined spaces.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO9a in the curriculum.

Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam



PLO9b: Evaluate and design the environmental and safety system at enterprises, including environmental treatment system, safety systems in operations on chemicals, fire and explosion, pressure equipment, safety system for working at height, working in confined spaces.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO9b in the curriculum.

Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam




PLO10: Apply scientific research achievements and develop new research directions on sustainable use of natural resources and propose solutions to ensure occupational health and safety.

Satisfy the requirements of the courses according to the correlation matrix of PLO10 in the curriculum.

Satisfy the requirements of the professional practice skills exam.

Participate in academic seminars and periodic applied research workshop.

Participate and satisfy the scientific research projects for student at university level.



      3. Education program

      The programme objectives are to train students to have the solid knowledge background in both theory and practice, the independent working skills, a creative thinking to be able to integrate and develop in the labor market of Vietnam and the world that requires the highly qualified. Students have the research skills, the scientific manners, the ability to propose research ideas, and the systematic thinking ability in the area of Safety, Health, and Environment. Students have the sense of learning and improving their knowledge in the spirit of lifelong learning; have the professional manners and attitudes in the multinational environment; have the responsibility to protect the health and safety of workers in the process of development and international integration.

      At the end of each semester, according to the procedures of compiling and editing the course specification of TDTU, all course specification of DEOSH program will be considered to improve. This process is normally conducted every 2 years. However, in the special cases, when the stakeholders (e.g. students, lecturers, imployers, and alumni) raise any request, for instance, the Head of DOSH will submit a proposal to the Dean who then show further suggestion to the University Board for asking the approval. The course specification is then allowed to be reviewed and adjusted. Finally, the outline will be approved by the University Board and put into operation to replace the expried one. The training program of Top 100 universities has been applied from the academic year 2015 – 2016 to train human resources who meet the labour market and global integration trend, and help learners more active and self-study.

      Education Program of DEOSH: See attached file